Sunday, December 2, 2012

Service Learning

I recently went to my service learning on Friday ( 11-31-12) and got the chance to attend a quinceanera. The girl was a ballet dancer so there were a lot of objects and decorations representing that in her party.
The party went great. Though there were a couple of problems, which in a way were good, because I was able to see what an event planner has to do in order to solve those problems.

1st problem:Client took her own cake and didn't calculate the portion servings correctly. There were 72 cupcakes and 1 cake on top for 200 guests. The cake itself can probably serve about 50-60 slices. Meaning only about 130 guests will get a cake/cupcakes.
Solution: Waited to see how many guests were still there by the cake cutting time (9p.m). If there's a need for more cake, the waiters will cut the cake smaller but enough for there to be a good portion.
2nd ProblemPastor was late, which messes up the whole schedule. 
Solution: Just go with it. Depending on the schedule, you can try to do two things at one. Example: Have dinner and show the Quinceanera video at the same time. (Depends what the client will let you do)

Blog 10: Senior Project Update

1.) I am currently not doing anything for my independent component but I will get on it soon. I know what I'm going to do which is plan a Senior BBQ/Sunset for the class of 2013 and I have four helpers but I have not started the actual planning of it. 

2.) I recent piece of research is an actual Quinceanera I got the chance to attend. There I was able to learn what an event planner does when something goes wrong in the quinceanera and how to run the entire event itself. 

3.) Evidence.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog 5b: Science Fair Proposal

1. What is your topic?

  • Event Planning
2. What is the driving problem behind your experiment and the quote by an expert to support that problem? (Expert citation must be MLA format.)

  • Problem: Seasons
    • "News News." National Retail Federation. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2012. <>.
3. What is your hypothesis? (Must be in If-Then form.)

  • If a Los Angeles H.S has a budget of $15,000 or less, than the satisfaction ASB members will have towards event will be low.
4. Write a paragraph summary of how you will perform the experiment.  Include the tools you plan on using.

  • I will be surveying 22 different high schools. I plan on asking questions related to the prom and its income. 
5. Select one of the following Project Categories for your experiment:
  • Income

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog 9: Working EQ and Possible Answers

1.  What was the working EQ you used during your presentation?

  • What makes an event successful?

2. Did you decide to revise your working EQ after your presentation? If so, write your revised EQ here
  • I am not going to revise my EQ at this time.

3. What are possible answers to your current working EQ?

  • The clients satisfaction of the event
  • The ability to work with what you have (budget-wise)
  • Everything going as planned

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1.) For my independent component, I would like to plan a senior picnic as a "bonding activity". I imagine there being a variety of simply foods and drinks, along with games in which the majority of the class can participate in.
2.) I believe this plan will complete my 30 hours of work with all the things I have to do in order to accomplish the event. Which invloves, getting the class to pitch in for the event, buying all the supplies, looking for a place, date, and time, etc.
3.) My working EQ is "What makes an event successful?" So I think that depending on the way the senior picninc turns out, I'll be able to have a answer of my own to that question.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blog 6: Second Interview Questions

Interview Questions:
  1. How long have you been working in the field?
  2. Is this what you always wanted to be? Why?
  3. What is your favorite thing about your job?
  4. What is the least thing you like about your job?
  5. What courses did you need to take in college?
Additional Questions:
  1. Does your company do something unique that stands out from the rest?
  2. What's the most commen issues you have with clients?
  3. What skills must an event planner have in order to be successful?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Working EQ

1.) Positive Statement: During one of the days in which I was doing my mentorship hours, I got to be a part of the food tastings the clients had. They let me try the different foods and they also let me try the cake tastings.

2.) EQ Content: My interview gave me new information that I didn't know of. She helped me see how events are in one of two categories. Before she gave me that piece of information, I didn't even know there were different categories for events.

3.) Honestly, everything has worked for me until now. I haven't had any problems with this topic. I've found research easily and I found a great mentor, so that's made the topic easy to work with.

4.) Everything has worked out for me, I have no complaints.

5.) Finding Value:

  • Questions:
    • How does hospitality connect with event planning?
    • Are there any other things I could study that would help me with my senior topic?
  • My goal is to possibly get a job as my mentors assistant. Reasons being, not only does a job always come in handy but also because she told me herself that if by the end of my hours I did a good job with all the things she makes me do, she could give me a job.
  • I would like to interview a professional wedding event planner next. Simply because it's the only type of event I haven't done much research on, yet.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog 5: Problem Statement

1.) Event Planning
  • Planners aren't advertised very well. Most people don't know where to find a planner for their event .
    • Once I solve this problem, I plan on passing down the knowledge and advice to my mentor because I know it would be of great help to her business.
  • Some people don't like an event planners prices.
    • As soon as I solve this problem, I will share my ideas with the owner and manager of the banquet hall in which I do my mentorship hours and hopefully, help them avoid losing interested customers.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blog 3 : Interview Preperation

1. I plan to interview last years senior, Norma Lopez because her topic was also event planning and she actually helped me out a lot this summer with questions I had. Therefore, I don't think she'll mind me interviewing her. In addition to that, she was in ASB so I think aside from her service learning hours, she has a bit more experience with planning events due to the events ASB has for the school every year.

2. I do have some additional questions.
  • Why did you choose "event planning" as your topic?
  • What did you enjoy most while working with this topic?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blog 2: Topic Choice

a. My topic is event planning because I encountered a couple of problems in search of a mentor with my original idea for a topic in pastry chef. Event planning was my second option either way so I didn't mind changing my topic in the end. I find it fun to plan a party or a gathering of people. It can be stressful to organize and plan at times, but the outcomes of events make it all worth it in the end.

  • IPoly Citizen: I plan to help and work with my peers as much as I can because not only were we trained to do so for the past three years, but also because that's a big part of event planning due to variety of people one has to interact with.
  • Effective Communicator: I plan to listen and respect what both my peers and teachers say to me. This will help me train myself to be able to work well with customers that go into the banquet hall and be able to have their event turn out the way they wanted it.
  • Effective Learning: I plan to express creativity, be prepared at all times, and solve a problem as best I can. These are all important factors of event planning because without these qualitites, you would be a horrible coordinator when planning a customers event.
  • Effective User of Technology: With the use of technology, I can be that much more organized with a customers information. In addition to that, the use of internet allows me to search for busnisses that provide supplies or services that the customer needs at a price they can pay.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blog 1

  • Literal: - 10 hrs -Answered phone calls, filed papers, made appointments with clients, filled out event charts - Mentor: Norma  Number: (951) 898-8777
  • Literal:  Finding a mentor wasn't too difficult. As soon as I chose "event planning" as my topic, I called a lady named Norma, she is the one who planned my 15era. When we were planning my party with her, both my mom and I got along with her very well so we figured she'd be ok with being my mentor. Once I explained everything to Norma, she said it was ok and to just let her know when I wanted to go. So everything  worked out well for me.

  • Interpretive:  I think you require mentorship as part of the senior project because in order for us to give a well 2 hour presentation, we need to have as much information possible. Thus, first-hand information comes in handy and also allows us to see how our topic topic actually works in real life.

  • Applied:  I think I'm going to stick to the mentor I have right now because she's been a great help so far.